Our Story

Founded in Saint Paul, Minnesota, by CEO and Author Stephanie C. Vang, Windgarden Books LLC began as a dream to create a platform where voices that explore deeper truths and spiritual awakenings could flourish. Recognizing that the publishing world often overlooks niche genres like spiritual fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, and memoirs that delve into the intricacies of the human experience, Stephanie aimed to fill this gap. From our humble beginnings, we’ve grown into a haven for authors who dare to dream big and write about the extraordinary.

Our Mission

Our mission is to illuminate the paths less traveled in literature. We are dedicated to nurturing and publishing exceptional works that challenge, inspire, and captivate readers by exploring the depths of spirituality, human emotions, and fantastical worlds. Our goal is to empower authors to share their most profound narratives, offering them a platform to reach audiences who crave transformative reading experiences.

Our Promise

We believe in the power of words to change the world. We commit to maintaining the highest publishing standards while nurturing the unique voice of each author. Our team is passionate about books, and we put our heart and soul into every project, ensuring that your work receives the attention and respect it deserves.

Join Us

If you’re an author looking for a home that values both creativity and individuality, let us help you turn your dream into print and share your story with the world. Contact us to learn more about how we can bring your book to life.

Windgarden Books LLC—where extraordinary voices find their place and readers find extraordinary worlds.